
Birkerød 1. maj 2022

Alaska was on display in Birkerød, Sunday 1 May. Her first exhibition in kl. 9, as an “adult cat”, so now we start exhibiting to get certificates.
Alaske got his first CC, so we are very happy.

She participated in the nomination round, against a Persian and another beautiful ragdoll, who ran with the victory.

Kolding d 12-13 marts 2022

in collaboration with the ragdoll club. We really hope that a lot of ragdolls can participate from more countries, but only time will tell.

Ruds Vedby d. 5-6. Februar 2022

Alaska participated in the Race Cat's show in Rud's Vedby. She participated as JUNIOR 7-10 months.

The exhibition was a 1 day, 2 CAC (2 judge ratings, 2 stage shows per day)

At first judging, Alaska became EX1, and was nominated for stage show.

In the second judging, Alaska also became EX1.

.Alaska was not necessarily a fan of being away, but we'll try again by March.

Strøby d. 23-24. Oktober 2021

Donna and Alaska participated in a show in Strøby.

Alaska enjoyed the experience more than Donna, who by the way is a 2-year-old lady who, due to last year's shutdown, has not really been trained to come to the show.
However, we got what we came for - 1 cert. more then Donna would become “Champion” and she did.
I'm so happy for “our” first title.

Alaska enjoyed the days, just sleeping on her pillow and she did the judging very well.
Saturday she came up for normalization against 2 beautiful Persians, where of one won.
Sunday she came up for normalization again, but again this time we did not get the standardization for the stage show.
On the other hand, we have received great reviews from our 2 girls.

Skive d. 5-6. September 2020.

The skive-exhibition was so well planned. Everyone was safe and happy, despite covid19.

Donna got the desired result. 2 x cert. class 9.
I can not get my arms down.
A cert. more in the future then Donna can call herself Champion. It really is a dream scenario for such a “beginner” like us.
Donna was rated as super nice by the judges - she just needs time to grow as big and nice as she can.

Dragør d. 7. marts 2020.

Donna’s 1st show and also our first time on a show, was in Dragør. Expectations were not high, but we attended to absorb knowledge and learning for ourselves. However, our expectations were put to shame when we ended up getting a super nice judge rating and subsequently a nomination for the stage show. However, the stage show was won by a nice Burmese kitten. The whole day was an experience and a really nice day which will definitely be repeated in the near future.
