Our ragdolls


DK Divas Diamonds Chili

Flot Fyr

SE* Lil’Magics Tiger Of Sweden


DK Divas Diamonds Alaska

Alaska is from our own breeding, from our very first litter. In everyday speech we call her our "crooked beauty". She is absolutely adorable - and she knows it. Right now she is still a kitten and therefore limits must be tested. She is so happy to have her mother Donna in peace that she does not have to share her with the 5 other brothers she had.
Alaska is going to Show on October 23 and 24, and we are excited about what the judges think of her. We think that she is fantastic.

see Alaska’s stamtavle

see Alaska’s shows


DK Misbirkendorf Octavia

Donna was born in October ’19. Donna is a super delicious girl with the funniest humor. She does the funniest things and she loves to cuddle in bed. It is impossible to get anything done in the house if donna has decided that she wants to join, which makes the tasks festive in her company. She is an absolute pleasure to share our home with.

see Donna's pedigree

see Donna’s Shows

Tidligere katte


DK Tacanas Sweet Jazz

Diva was born in October ’17. We quickly visited the breeder and selected her so we could follow her, and each time we visited her, we fell in love with her more and more. She was a little glorious kitten who noticed us as much as we did with her. When we got her home, the connection only got stronger, now she has to lie in bed between my husband and I every night and in the morning we can find her at the foot of one of the children's rooms. She is really part of the family who comes running towards us at the front door and talks to us .. whether it is in the sofa, at the dining table, yes even the toilet, Diva follows.

There is always life and happy days in the house with her.

Unfortunately, we have not been able to get Diva pregnant, so she has now been sterilized.

see Diva’s pedigree
